Harold Rosenberg (哈羅德 · 羅森伯格)
Clement Greenberg (克萊門特 · 格林伯格)

系列學術講座:哈羅德 · 羅森伯格在文化和藝術上的影響力
題目:“哈羅德 · 羅森伯格和知識分子的暮光之城”

動畫片詮釋克萊門特 · 格林伯格(Clement Greenberg)的藝術理論

JOHN MORGAN(约翰 · 摩根)
约翰 · 摩根简历
BIO, JOHN MORGAN (Weihong Yan)
现任美国世界中国学研究学会首席执行官;休 • 麦考(银行家,美国银行行长)当代艺术中心国际委员会主席,美国高等教育禅学会会员和北京外国语大学中国文化研究院研究员。
John Morgan (Weihong Yan),
American curator, author, US-China strategist in education, culture and Business Senior Consultant and strategic specialist and research professor of Chinese studies in Beijing Foreign Studies University, China. He is also the CEO of the World Association Chinese Studies.
1. International relations focus on Chinese studies.
2. Chinese and Western aesthetics and cross-cultural research.
3. Interdisciplinary studies of Chinese calligraphy and neuroplasticity.
Contact Info:
Weihong Yan
86-13903511910 (China)
001-980-428-0550 (USA)
Add: 4736 Hedgemore Dr. Unit P, Charlotte, NC 28209, USA.

約翰 · 摩根系列藝術雜談(第30集)
Selected Translations by John Morgan
Source: Dr. Cornel West
Translator: John Y. Morgan
二十世紀下半葉是藝術評論家擁有更多權力和機遇的時代。第二次世界大戰後,隨著世界藝術中心從巴黎移至紐約,全美各地的媒體雜誌展開新的一場戰爭。時稱“文化戰爭”,其也成為了本世紀中葉一場規模巨大文化運動,藝術評論家的影響力比以往任何歷史時期都顯得更大。兩位評論家 - 他們以朋友相交,他們在同一個社交圈 - 二人引發了一場圍繞美國藝術發展和風險的辯論,這種辯論持續了數十年,這就是克萊門特 · 格林伯格和哈羅德 · 羅森伯格。他們的思想至今在西方的藝術圈中仍在爭論,在他們過去的辯論中,他們的思想已經塑造出了美國整個藝術運動。以下是十篇批評作品,通過這些作品可以追溯克萊門特格林伯格形式主義理論的主流化,以及它的分段詳解如何將今天的概念藝術和對制度批判思想展示給我們的。(待续)
The 10 Essays That Changed Art Criticism Forever
There has never been a time when art critics held more power than during the second half of the twentieth century. Following the Second World War, with the relocation of the world’s artistic epicenter from Paris to New York, a different kind of war was waged in the pages of magazines across the country. As part of the larger “culture wars” of the mid-century, art critics began to take on greater influence than they’d ever held before. For a time, two critics in particular—who began as friends, and remained in the same social circles for much of their lives—set the stakes of the debates surrounding the maturation of American art that would continue for decades. The ideas about art outlined by Clement Greenberg and Harold Rosenberg are still debated today, and the extent to which they were debated in the past has shaped entire movements of the arts. Below are ten works of criticism through which one can trace the mainstreaming of Clement Greenberg’s formalist theory, and how its dismantling led us into institutional critique and conceptual art today.
制度批判Institutional Critique:
在藝術領域,“機構批判”是對藝術機構(如畫廊和博物館)運作的系統性調查,與邁克爾 · 阿舍爾,馬塞爾 · 布羅德薩爾斯,丹尼爾 · 布倫,安德烈 · 弗雷澤,約翰 · 奈特(藝術家)等藝術家的作品密切相關, Adrian Piper,Fred Wilson和Hans Haacke以及Alexander Alberro,Benjamin HD Buchloh,Birgit Pelzer和Anne Rorimer的獎學金。
Institutional Critique:
In art, Institutional Critique is the systematic inquiry into the workings of art institutions, such as galleries and museums, and is most associated with the work of artists like Michael Asher, Marcel Broodthaers, Daniel Buren, Andrea Fraser, John Knight (artist), Adrian Piper, Fred Wilson, and Hans Haacke and the scholarship of Alexander Alberro, Benjamin H. D. Buchloh, Birgit Pelzer, and Anne Rorimer.
- Jackson Pollock Invented a New Kind of Painting That Changed the Way People Looked at Art
作者:哈羅德 · 羅森伯格
The American Action Painters
Harold Rosenberg
Henri Michaux