
Art historian T. J. Clark - Attempting Impossibles: Hazlitt on Turner and Blake 點擊播放
T. J. 的写作比传统马克思主义的粗疏方式远为精微,擅长对艺术与社会基础、意识形态的复杂关系展开谨慎而系统的分析,名声远播,當今大師級別藝術批評家、理論家、社會學家和收藏家。
特設計專頁,對T. J. 進行研究......
Published on Apr 29, 2015
Romanticism is often considered the moment when art of the highest ambitions first went beyond, and perhaps deliberately challenged, the common understandings of the parent culture. With this in mind, art historian T. J. Clark examines the reactions of the great critic William Hazlitt to the art of his contemporaries Joseph Mallord William Turner and William Blake. Hazlitt famously described Turner’s paintings as “pictures of nothing, and very like,” and ruefully remarked to a friend, on reading Blake’s poems, that Blake “attempts impossibles.” To what was Hazlitt responding? Should his verdicts be taken seriously? Followed by a reception. This lecture coincides with the symposium on Romanticism titled “The Romantic Eye, 1760–1860 and Beyond.” Established to honor the memory of Andrew Carnduff Ritchie, Yale University Art Gallery director from 1957 to 1971, the annual Ritchie Lectures, which are jointly sponsored by the Yale Center for British Art and the Gallery, bring to the University distinguished members of the international visual arts community. These lectures are free and open to the public, honoring Ritchie’s belief that the art museum serves as a gathering place for all members of the community.

Published on Feb 24, 2015
T.J. Clark shows how Picasso’s first history painting, Guernica, changed the way he thought about space. The lecture was part of the 2011 Winter Lecture series held by the http://www.lrb.co.uk/ In this talk, T.J. Clark refers to, among others, a photo of John Negroponte standing in front of Guernica at the UN, protest placards that appropriate Guernica, the 1937 Spanish Pavilion at the Paris World’s Fair, Portrait of a Young Girl (1914), Guernica (1937), Dora Maar’s photos of Guernica in progress, sketch for Guernica of 1 May 1937, sketch for Guernica of 2 May 1937, sketch for Guernica of 9 May 1937 and The Three Dancers (1925). This lecture eventually became Chapter 6 in Picasso and Truth: From Cubism to Guernica, which appeared in June from Princeton. ABOUT THE LRB Since 1979, the London Review of Books has stood up for the tradition of the literary and intellectual essay in English. Each issue contains up to 15 long reviews and essays by academics, writers and journalists. There are also shorter art and film reviews, as well as poems and a lively letters page. A typical issue moves through political commentary to science or ancient history by way of literary criticism and social anthropology. So, for example, an issue can open with a piece on the rhetoric of war, move on to reassessing the reputation of Pythagoras, follow that with articles on the situation in Iraq, the 19th-century super-rich, Nabokov’s unpublished novel, how saints got to be saints, the life and work of William Empson, and an assessment of the poetry of Alice Oswald.

JOHN MORGAN(约翰 · 摩根)
约翰 · 摩根简历
BIO, JOHN MORGAN (Weihong Yan)
现任美国世界中国学研究学会首席执行官;休 • 麦考(银行家,美国银行行长)当代艺术中心国际委员会主席,美国高等教育禅学会会员和北京外国语大学中国文化研究院研究员。
John Morgan (Weihong Yan),
American curator, author, US-China strategist in education, culture and Business Senior Consultant and strategic specialist and research professor of Chinese studies in Beijing Foreign Studies University, China. He is also the CEO of the World Association Chinese Studies.
1. International relations focus on Chinese studies.
2. Chinese and Western aesthetics and cross-cultural research.
3. Interdisciplinary studies of Chinese calligraphy and neuroplasticity.
Contact Info:
Weihong Yan
86-13903511910 (China)
001-980-428-0550 (USA)
Add: 16747 Crosshaven Dr. Charlotte, NC 28278, USA.