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Semiotics analysis for beginners! | How to read signs in film | Roland Barthes Media Theory


In this video I will go through the five codes of Roland Barthes Semitotics Theory:

Symbolic Codes

Semantic Codes

Hermeneutic Codes/Engima Codes

Proairetic Codes/Action Codes

Cultural Codes/Referential Codes

We will also look at how we can use these codes to decode media texts.

Link to enigma codes video:

Music for intro and outro provided by

Very Short Introduction to Semiotics

Presentation made for the class "Intercultural Communication" at the CIEE centre in Amman.


A living legend, Frank Gehry has forged his own language of architecture, creating astonishing buildings all over the world, such as the Guggenheim in Bilbao, the Walt Disney Concert Hall in LA, and Manhattan's new IAC building.



Semiotic Theory Explained Yin Yang Diagram


改變單一和固有傳統概念 ~約翰·摩根

Untangling the Puzzle of Yin-Yang Diagram

課題:陰陽圖與哲學 - 經典的再創作(經典的延異)


Yin, the darker element, is passive, dark, feminine, downward-seeking, and corresponds to the night; yang, the brighter element, is active, light, masculine, upward-seeking and corresponds to the day; yin is often symbolized by water, while yang is symbolized by fire.



The traditional concept of yinyang structure is a round shape restricted to only single yin-yang diagram visual design. In this thesis, I propose a novel concept of the form of abstract art based on geometric forms for yin-yang diagram about the interlaced periodic square or rectangle-ish paper pannels of the straight lines structure with black and white colors. 



By the reasonal analysis and experimental measurement result, it is verified that this new yin-yang series structure with the multi layouts or settings can reveal the orginality of characteristic of visual nature of yin-yang diagram.




伏羲氏“一畫開天”與Parmenides:“We can speak and think only of what exists. ...




  1. 探索改變傳統固有意義的延異哲學/經典的再創作;

  2. 陰陽圖的歷史,始基與世界對其的認知;

  3. 為何創作方形直線陰陽圖,為何改變其原型圓為幾何圖?邏輯模式?

  4. 客體的文化與社會語境;

  5. 結構主義的介入;

  6. 解構與延異;- 時間的延遲,產生差異,使得可以對原型(材料)實施填補,對理所當然的事慢慢再認識,德里達常說:慢一點,思考慢一點。認知一件事情慢一點,他認為要懸置,以獲得機會再思考,再論述事務本身,再詮釋,就會讓事務的意義更豐富,讓事務有更多哦被理解的方式,讓事務有更多的可能性。這是解構開始要談的是透過一種時間上的差異,有更多可能性出現。換句話說,解構永遠是朝向未來的(To come, 法語是avenir,該詞是“大道”之意?)向不可知開放。解構清晰的兩個概念就是:“延異”和”未到來“。例如,文化器皿,會有不斷填充的意義進來;一個舊的單詞產生新的意義,如:土豪,在解放前,其意義指富人群體,今天在廣告詞這樣說:”手機需要流量,土豪略過“,此處,土豪即一個代名詞;文字原型成為新的抽象圖形,為文字原型填充了新的意義;對文字原型解構後產生了新的補充意義,這個意義應是廣義的意義;以及符號原型延異來的新的意義等等。結構主義會使得單一封閉的意義,單一的意義,單一固定權威起源意義會被消失。德希達在解構策略上是;難以區分。就是以我們非常清楚的二元對立或是單一起源的概念的難以區分,在概念上出現悖論。如二元對立的內外,一個為某個家庭服務了的一輩子奉獻到死的用人,一個外國人在別國服務一生的,是內人還是外人,這是難以區別的;再有,強弱,家長強勢教育子女,是強還是弱,也是很難區分的;二元對立下的圓和方對立?方本身也一定是方,還是圓。那麼,把這些放在人文學科種看,他會使得所有事情的意義變得更加豐富,會取消單一意義。如,公民的意義以前只有一種;如,某個文字的原由的意義理解是固有的權威意義,如,象形文字的數量是一定固定的嗎?會意字可以有象形的意義呢?如何對會意字的延異其象形字的意義和解構呢?其可以有象形的意義嗎?如:至, 是指事字還是象形字?如何解構和延異其為抽象視覺藝術作品?還有,遺忘認為婚姻是不同性別(男女)的結合,那麼,現在性別本省身也可以延異。因此,他取消了二元的對立和單一的意義。陰陽太極圖的延異就是取消了原型為單一圓形的意義,代之以方形和非弧線的新的新的未來的被充實了的意義。給以往的陰陽圖概念以激進的方法延伸了它的科學價值。使之具有更多的批判的可能性,固定的意義制度體系會死亡的。延異是對文化傳承的保障。(註釋:在此,我認為是需要recall,以及如孔子說:“溫故而知新”-look for the old so as to learn the new or to review the old and know the new, or to recall for learning new - "大腦科學“)

  7. 符號學-阿蘭·巴托;

  8. 莊子老子和周易等哲學(大道至簡);

  9. 視覺抽象和極簡主義。

The yin yang symbol — order and chaos - Jordan Peterson

In Ancient Chinese philosophy, yin and yang is the idea of dualism, that seemingly opposite or contrary forces may actually be complementary, interconnected, and interdependent in the natural world.

I stumbled upon one of Jordan Peterson’s talks on YouTube, Who Dares Say He Believes in God. Afterward, as YouTube does, it led me to a related video showing one of his older university lectures where he brought up the meaning behind the yin yang symbol. It’s a symbol I’ve seen throughout my life but I’ve never heard it explained in with this depth of meaning.

​yin and yang

Carl Jung speaks of the Yin Yang:

“There is no position without its negation. In or just because of their extreme opposition, neither can exist without the other. It is exactly as formulated in classical Chinese philosophy: yang (the light, warm, dry, masculine principle) contains within it the seed of yin (the dark, cold, moist, feminine principle), and vice versa. Matter therefore would contain the seed of spirit and spirit the seed of matter…. Nevertheless, the symbol has the great advantage of being able to unite heterogeneous or even incommensurable factors in a single image.” (Carl Jung, CW 9i, para. 197)







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