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-John D Caputo

Whenever deconstruction finds a nutshell—a secure axiom or a pithy maxim—the very idea is to crack it open and disturb this tranquility

- John D Caputo. (美) 约翰 · D.卡普托


"Deconstruction in a nutshell? Why, the very idea!
The very idea of a nutshell is a mistake and a misunderstanding, an excess of journalistic haste and impatience [...]. Nutshells enclose and encapsulate, shelter and protect, reduce and simplify, while everything in deconstruction is turned toward opening, exposure, expansion, and complexification [...].
The very meaning and mission of deconstruction is to show that things - texts, institutions, traditions, societies, beliefs, and practices [...] - do not have definable meanings and determinable missions, that they are always more than any mission would impose [...].
Whenever it runs up agains a limit, deconstruction presses against it. Whenever deconstruction finds a nutshel - a secure axiom or a pithy maxim - the very idea is to crack it open and disturb this tranquility. Indeed, that is a good rule of thumb in deconstruction. That is what deconstruction is all about, its very meaning and mission, if it has any. One might even say that cracking nutshells is what deconstruction is. In a nutshell.
Deconstruction is the relentless pursuit of the impossible, which means, of things whose possibility is sustained by their impossibility, of things which, instead of being wiped out by their impossibility, are actually nourished and fed by it.
(In "Deconstruction in a Nutshell: A Conversation with Jacques Derrida", ed John D. Caputo
ISBN 0-8232-1755-8, p.31,32)


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Civilized Primitive Thinking in Visual Cognition & Deconstruction of Ancient Chinese Characters


Civilized Primitive Thinking in Visual Cognition & Deconstruction of Ancient Chinese Characters



释文1:金文“爱”字,见于公元前4世纪青铜器上的铭文,由两部分组成:上部是一个仰头大声疾呼的人,下面的部分是“心”,因为在古代中国的观念中,心不仅是供血的器官,更是思维和情感的器官,古语中有“ 心之官则思”的说法。整个字的意思是,人要把心中的爱大声说出来。秦代(公元前3世纪)的小篆中,“心”被包到了人这个字符中,表示爱要包容;到了汉代(公元前2世纪左右),隶书中的“爱”字,多了一只“脚”,这样,爱不仅要有包容,更要有行动。

Interpretation: The character "love" in bronze script on the bronze ware of the 4th century BC, consists of two parts: the upper part is a person who screams upwards, purposing love of importance to human, and the lower part is "heart", in ancient China, the heart, is an organ that has the function of thinking, and emotion. There is an old idiom that says "the heart is an organ of a body that is responsible for thought.", meaning that people should speak out loudly in their hearts. In Qin Dynasty (3rd century BC), the "heart" was enshrined in the character of the human being, indicating that love should be tolerant; in the Han Dynasty (around 2nd century BC), the word "love" in the Lishu(clerical script) script was added "Foot" as part of it, so, love is not only be tolerant, but also have to act.

【心之官则思解释】:心:古人以为心是思维器官,所以把思想的器官、感情等都说做心,现指脑筋;官:官能,作用。脑筋的官能就是思维。相似词:用之则行,舍之则藏 有则改之,无则加勉 既来之,则安之 以己之心,度人之心 穷则思变 学而不思则罔 有则改之 心诚则灵。



Deconstruction aims to disturb in order to discover. By deconstructing Chinese characters, you learn to read beyond characters' straightforward content and uncover new meanings and truths. Deconstructing Chinese characters brings important significance to linguistics, literature, visual art, communication, archeology as well as postmodernist thought.




There is a profound difference between the intellectual activity of the the Chinese ancestors inclined to myth-making, superstition, and visualizing mystical powers and that of the educated Chinese of our own day with his search for exact scientific knowledge. Modern culture tends to educate the mind in the direction of sober scientific thought, However, the ancestors created beautiful and logical Chinese writing system that are difficult to achieve in science. How do we critically explore its value? It is important to the world of contemporary values ​​not just to China.

People Watching/ancesters: Social, Perceptual, and Neurophysiological Studies of Body Perception. 



  1. 神经心理学(Neuropsychology)

  2. “感知理论” (Theories of Perception)

  3. Perceptual Constancy

  4. Direct and indirect realism

  5. 汉字的发明是直接与间接现实主义的体现(首先必须理解什么是现实主义/realism,在此基础上再理解“直接与间接现实主义”)


Theories of perception seek to explain the relationship between reality and our perception of it.


Your Brain Sees Things You Don’t

The Mural and deconstruction of a myth

Deconstructed Nike's Sneakers



Researcher: Weihong Yan

PhD candidate and Research Professor, Beijing Foreign Studies University. 


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