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“漢字 -- 超現實主義美學” 的完美結合。​ 設計/策劃: 閻偉紅
Tracing the Past, Drawing the Future – Western Eastern Souls Meet
Initiatively invented & directed by Professor Weihong Yan
“古與今,中與西,傳統與當代” - 古今相融,借古開今
‘The Radicals of Shuowen Jiezi”​​ By Dr. Hong Zhao: Translated in English & German: by Weihong Yan

Mission 使命

To create an initiative for the purpose of enhancing critical understanding and collaboration

between traditional Chinese artists and Western modern artists through a global exchange

project that explores the differences of aesthetic values, as well as an understanding of the

value of 5,000 years of Chinese traditions and how they relate to the Western world in the

21st Century.


旨在通過這一項目探索中西藝術不同審美價值,促進全球藝術家的交流; 加強中國藝術家和

西方現代藝術家的協作; 並加深21世紀西方藝術家對中華5000年傳統價值的理解和他們對



Vision 願景

“By making the impossible possible; using the natural essence of thought to create miracle

and enhance the world; through blending remarkable academic theory with the aesthetics

of ancient and modern, Chinese and western characteristics; by setting the imagination

free and applying the wisdom of diverse concepts to the promotion of calligraphy in western

countries; we create progressive ideas and inspire passion and enthusiasm; we are creating a great new unique philosophy. ” by Weihong Yan, CEO, World Association for Chinese Studies, USA.  



-- 閻偉紅,美國世界中國學研究會首席執行官

”《說文解字》与超現實主義繪畫” "Surrealistic Chinese Characters" -- Exploring the“Shuowen Jiezi”,  the world's oldest Chinese dictionary for explaining and analyzing the structure of Chinese radicals.("East Meets West" project - Unit II)


“漢字成為超現實主義繪畫形式” --- 探索《說文解字》,這一中國也是世界上最古老的字典之一,其所具有的漢字符號書法美,将被運用於超現實主義繪畫之中。 (該計劃為“中西合璧”跨學科學術項目之二)

No one has ever thought that China's ancient characters could combine with surrealism to create a new style of art. This concept of creative and innovative art begins with ancient Chinese characters as the basic element and produces a new western surrealistic artistic language. The 540 radicals described in the “Shuowen Jiezi”  dictionary will be embedded in surrealist paintings, and this initiative, created by Professor Weihong Yan, will blend Chinese calligraphy and surrealism into a revolutionary, global art style. Professor Yan also has been working on the English translation of the dictionary, which would be biggest contribution to the world.

從未有人想過,中國的古老文字和超現實主義繪畫的結合,通過結合創作出了新的抽象藝術作品。這一震撼藝術世界、全新的、具有價值革命性的藝術實踐和新的藝術形式,其構思基礎是以跨學科的,以西方的藝術語言為表現形式,以中國古老漢字為創作元素,探索超越時空的一種新的超現實藝術形式化了的漢字藝術和新內容。我們將世界上最經典的古老的《說文解字》中的540個部首分別以超現實主義繪畫作品形式展現給世人, 這一創舉將中國漢字書法美推向了世界藝術的顛峰。閻教授等新的學術研究小組將完成趙宏教授《說文解字》書注一書的全部翻譯工作,翻譯完的書注將有耶魯大學出版社出版,並將進入全球數據庫,這將對世界具有重大的貢獻。


This interdisciplinary research project includes three experts: Ms. Sibylle Schwarz, internationally acclaimed German artist, Dr. Hong Zhao, Chinese professor of calligraphy, Capital Normal University, and Weihong Yan, strategist, art critic, assistant professor of Chinese Literature, department of Humanities, director of Confucius Institute at Pfeiffer University, NC, USA. Weihong Yan, initiatively invented this program, he will assist and supervise the artists in their effort to bring this cross-cultural artistic experiment to the attention of the world. The project will be done within three years. The results of the project will be exhibited in Chinese and overseas museums beginning in 2014.

這一跨學科學術研究項目由三人組成,他們是: 德國著名超現實主義畫家西蓓莉-舒爾茨女士;中國首都師範大學書法教授趙宏博士;美國費佛爾大學文學院教授、費佛爾大學孔子學院院長閻偉紅先生。這三位專家將密切合作,完成《說文解字》部首與超現實主義繪畫風格相結合這一历史性大型且獨特的學術研究項目。​

閻偉紅院長為該項目的學術總策劃。 他帶領舒爾茨女士和趙宏博士將在3年內完成該研究項目。由閆偉紅院長繼續策劃、籌備,趙宏博士書寫完成的540部首,以及西蓓莉女士在趙宏博士書法部首基礎之上的540幅超現實主義繪畫作品將分別於美國博物館隆重展出。 (請大家關注該網站)​


‘The Radicals of Shuowen Jiezi”​​ By Dr. Hong Zhao
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